X3 Workspace Tour (3 of 5)

Explore the “Quick ‘n’ Easy” and “Painting from Photos” palette arrangements in the PaintboxTV Painter X3 Workspace (downloadable by PaintboxTV Premium Members from the Painter X3 Extras download page). “Quick ‘n’ Easy” was inspired by my experiences painting on my iPad with a variety of different mobile painting apps such as Zen Brush, Auryn Ink, Sketch Club and Art Rage (see the iPad painting tools pageiPad painting tools page on this site). I thought why can’t using Painter be as simple and intuitive as so many of those apps? I then went about selecting a range of brushes that gave a wide enough variety of looks but were all easy: no layers, nothing hidden to know about, just straight forward and simple to use! I also thought through what are the most important operations someone is most likely to want to do every time they paint. For instance: open a canvas; fill it with some color and add some texture; then paint, saving versions as they go; undoing and redoing now and then; embossing three dimensionality into their brush strokes; intensifying the saturation and contrast of their artwork; and, finally, clearing their canvas and starting a fresh. I created icon based short cuts for all these operations and placed them next to each other in a logical sequence following from left to right a typical workflow. That is the Canvas shortcuts palette you see in “Quick ‘n’ Easy”.

In contrast to “Quick ‘n’ Easy”, the “Painting from Photos” palette arrangement makes visible on your desktop many of the panels and palettes I find myself using when working from photographic reference. This arrangement includes the Clone Source and Reference Image panels. I illustrate it’s use with a quick study based on a photo I took of Shandien, one of the performers I worked with in the Cirque du Soleil TOTEM show when it was in San Francisco (see my Cirque artwork page).

Video length: 5 minutes 37 seconds

September 2013

Painter X3 In-Depth
X3 Workspace Intro Tour (Part 3 of 5)


[Annual Premium Subscribers may download this video for offline viewing]

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