Painter 2016 In-Depth<br>Creative Auto-Painting

Painter 2016 In-Depth
Creative Auto-Painting

Learn how to be creative with use of Painter’s Auto-Painting feature.

iPadArtJam 2 <br>July 16th, 2016 <br>Layers and brushwork in Procreate

iPadArtJam 2
July 16th, 2016
Layers and brushwork in Procreate

Techniques for hybrid sketching: starting trad pencil on paper and completing in Procreate.

Sketch Club 2<br>Sketching Basics

Sketch Club 2
Sketching Basics

Workflow and basic technique for sketching in Sketch Club.

iPad Art Online Course<br>Sketching in Procreate 3

iPad Art Online Course
Sketching in Procreate 3

Apps and techniques for making pencil sketches on your iPad.