iPadArtJam 53<br>November 12th, 2020<br>“New Dawn” Painting of the Golden Gate Bridge

iPadArtJam 53
November 12th, 2020
“New Dawn” Painting of the Golden Gate Bridge

Use of the Reference Image feature in Procreate 5X.

iPadArtJam 52<br>October 8th, 2020<br>Procreate 5X New Features Review

iPadArtJam 52
October 8th, 2020
Procreate 5X New Features Review

Procreate 5X new features review.

iPadArtJam 51<br>September 10th, 2020<br>Mixing it Up with ArtSet, ArtRage, Zen Brush and Procreate

iPadArtJam 51
September 10th, 2020
Mixing it Up with ArtSet, ArtRage, Zen Brush and Procreate

Mixing it Up with ArtSet, ArtRage, Zen Brush and Procreate

iPadArtJam 50<br>August 13th, 2020<br>Kim Nalley Portrait

iPadArtJam 50
August 13th, 2020
Kim Nalley Portrait

Painting Kim Nalley’s portrait using Procreate, including some photo collage.