Painter 2016 In-Depth<br><em>Brushes</em> class at FOTOfusion

Painter 2016 In-Depth
Brushes class at FOTOfusion

Drawing exercise with five different types of brushes: inky, pencilly, oily, watery and crazy!

Painter 2016 In-Depth<br><em>Majestic</em> Finishing Workflow

Painter 2016 In-Depth
Majestic Finishing Workflow

Ideas for completion. Here is a real life case study of an example of “finishing workflow” and experimentation.

PainterLab 39<br>(Jan. 11, 2016)

PainterLab 39
(Jan. 11, 2016)

Multi-layered monoprints to understanding the Float Copy and drawing effects on a Liquid Ink layer.

Painter 2016 In-Depth<br>Painting Mercury Soul

Painter 2016 In-Depth
Painting Mercury Soul

See how a complex rich surface structure can be built up.