Post-Print Painting<br>The Sutton Way<br>(Part 10 of 12) Stretch

Post-Print Painting
The Sutton Way
(Part 10 of 12) Stretch

Stretch your canvas.

Post-Print Painting<br>The Sutton Way<br>(Part 11 of 12) Finale

Post-Print Painting
The Sutton Way
(Part 11 of 12) Finale

Some closing words encouraging you to go for it with your own post-print painting!

Post-Print Painting<br>The Sutton Way<br>(Part 12 of 12) And…

Post-Print Painting
The Sutton Way
(Part 12 of 12) And…

And just one more thing….:-)

Vincent van Gogh Performance

Vincent van Gogh Performance

The artworks shown on this page are …