X3 Workspace Tour (3 of 5)

X3 Workspace Tour (3 of 5)

Explore the “Quick ‘n’ Easy” and “Painting from Photos” palette arrangements in the PaintboxTV Painter X3 Workspace.

X3 Workspace Tour (4 of 5)

X3 Workspace Tour (4 of 5)

Explore the “Mainly Layers” palette arrangement in the PaintboxTV Painter X3 Workspace.

X3 Workspace Tour (5 of 5)

X3 Workspace Tour (5 of 5)

Explore the “Brush Creation” palette arrangement of the PaintboxTV Painter X3 Workspace.

PainterClinic 11 (Sep. 4, 2013)

PainterClinic 11 (Sep. 4, 2013)

Ways to add a more painterly finish to photographically precise details in paintings.